Soren's Party
I decided a few weeks ago that I would not go crazy over Soren's first birthday. I kept it simple while honoring the year of survival the three of us went through. My friend Claire of Claire's Confections made a delicious cake for us. The inside of the cake was multicolored, but I did not manage to take a photo of that. I wanted a dinosaurs in hot air balloons theme, so I created some cake toppers. The balloon was drawn and water colored by me. I ordered some little dinosaurs to put in favor bags and used three for the cake toppers. I painted them gold, then drilled holes in them to stick skewers in. Then I made tiny bow ties and top hats out of construction paper.

Soren lived under the motto "it's my party and I'll cry if I want to," whenever we tried to take a photo of him in front of the backdrop I made. I never got a good photo of his bow tie.
The cupcake was devoured in a couple of minutes. It turns out, if you go the "baby led weaning" route, the 1 year old is quite skilled at eating and he certainly showcased that. I loved that he licked his fingers, then had a sugar daze of sorts, followed by a realization that he just had so much fun.
He received a lot of books for Soren's library and are so happy to have such a selection!
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